Monday, May 25, 2020

Physical and Personal Space - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 552 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? Science and technology has brought deeper understanding and thus meaning in the way human beings think, feel and act in regards to various aspects of life that touches human’s and animal’s functionality. One such area that has widely caught the attention of scientists is the brain accentuated by space science. Both the conscious and the sub-conscious minds possessed by animals give a sense of comprehension and meaning in deciphering and in turn makes it easier for animals perfectly well maneuver through their life time by teaching survival tactics. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Physical and Personal Space" essay for you Create order The same concepts are shared by the study done in the â€Å"Physical and Personal Space.† A deeper meaning and understanding of what people experience in life is a product of what they are able to see using their mind, figuring out and reasoning while both in the personal space and in the space surrounded by other people. With the knowledge of physical and the personal space, then someone would be able to easily understand the activities that happen around him or her. In the same manner, if we have ever gone to a certain place and then asked to give a description of going to the same place, we shall be able, through our minds to travel through the space and even see the exact location which we are asked because of space interaction. One of the greatest technologies that has given scientists milestones and a better understanding of how our brains travel through space is the immersive virtual environment. Using specialized helmets, all kinds of environment can now be produced in the laboratory be it buildings, forests, jungle and space using immersive virtual environment. The immerse virtual environment will show that brains has neurons that give humans the capability to encode and decode some of the information stored in the brain and certain parts of the brain are able to access the same information when a reference needs to be made on particular environments that are accessed. To further the space studies, the scientists established that that some people are better way finders than others. The ability to be a good way finder is determined by how good one is able to imagine how different world looks from various perspectives or viewpoints. Such kind of an ability is greatly dependent on the brain area referred to as the hippocampus. When people spend more time in the natural environment, studies show that such people are able to relax because their minds relate easily with the environment. For instance, some people will have a liking for mathematics patterns simply because they interact and relate with the patterns contained in the ferns found in forests. In the same manner, research shows that people will have various preferences of shapes of homes simply because that is how their space environment is shaped. In a likewise manner, personal space is dictated by the primary territories. For instance, it is an invisible zone which is invisible that surrounds and becomes the center of each and every person individually. This is the space considered to be exclusively yours because of your existence in this world. It defines the kinds of friends who will be around you, for how long you will keep the friends, the feelings you have towards the friends, the interaction with them and so on.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Drinking Age Should Remain the Same - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 794 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/08/12 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Lowering The Drinking Age Essay Did you like this example? The opposing viewpoint is the drinking age should be lowered to about 18 or 19. Colleges and Universities argue that having the drinking age 21 is making issues worse. If young adults know that they are legally allowed to drink then there would be a lot less thrill seekers trying to break the law. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Drinking Age Should Remain the Same" essay for you Create order Additionally there would be a decrease in the number of fatalities and long term injuries because adolescents would not have the fear of legal consequences if they seek medical attention. College students would be affected if the drinking age was lowered. There are already so many reports of abusing alcohol on campus and it would only get worse it would be legal. Although most students find themselves at one point at a college party with alcoholic beverages, it is still regulated and not out of hand because there is an age limit. Many students have a fear from getting in trouble by not only their parent but the actual college itself so they tend to steer clear of parties as much as possible. If the drinking age was lowered it would also increase the risk of students developing other bad habits like smoking tobacco or marijuana. Adolescence is a time period of significant growth, physically and mentally. It is characterized by physical health and low incidence of disease. It is proven that physical activity and exercise is a primary prevention against chronic conditions. If the drinking age is lowered, the increase of young adults developing diseases is inevitable. Over the long term, drinking increases the risks of many cancers and can cause significant damage to the digestive, nervous, respiratory, circulatory, skeletal, and immune systems. Additionally, alcohol consumption has been linked to diabetes, infertility, sexual dysfunction, liver inflammation, and mental health issues discussed by Gale (2017). Cognitive development is extremely important. It is the development of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood which was a theory found by jean Piaget when he placed the importance on the education of children. Ages 18- 25 we are transitioning from adolescents to adults and while this is happening the brain is also continuing to develop as well. According to Arnold-Burger (2008) alcohol impairs judgment and heightens risk-taking behavior as well as slowing perceptual and motor skills, so given to a person who has an immature brain function in these areas already, research shows that the effects are even more exaggerated. And finally, the research indicates that alcohol or drug use during these formative years can cause long term, irreversible damage. The drinking age is believed to be a lifesaving effect. Adolescents are still learning about themselves and transitioning into being young adults and to give them the option to partake in what is believed an adult activity, jeopardizes their future and potentially their life. At the age of 18 you are not completely able to make the most correct decision because the mind isnt fully matured. Although people younger than 21 still get behind the wheel after drinking, there are much fewer each year because of the drinking law. There will always be several young people who will rebel, but there are a lot more who will make the more rational decision to obey the rules. Gholipor (2014) states the federal law that enforced the drinking age to 21 made a significant decline in teenage drinking and driving and there was actually a 54 percent drop over the past two decades Therefore, when states lowered the drinking age, consumption went up and more people died. When states increased the drinking age, consumption went down and fewer people died. The debate over lowering the drinking age to 18 years old has been ongoing since 1984 when it was raised to 21 years old. There is a long history of alcohol in America, and why it was legally set to this age. The belief that alcohol was the major cause of most personal and social problems is where the prohibition movement fell into place. They believed illegalizing alcohol would reduce crime and improve the health of citizens. Prohibition failed and ended in the 1930s and allowed each state to set their own alcohol consumption laws. Most states at that time made the legal drinking to 21 years of age. Around 1972 when the voting age was lowered from 21 to 18, many states lowered the drinking age as well. Unfortunately, with the decrease in the drinking age a drastic increase of alcohol-related care accidents occurred. In response to the rise in traffic fatalities the National Drinking Age Act of 1984 came into place which prohibited persons under 21 years of age from purchasing alcoholic beverages. It is evident that the drinking age should remain because it saves lives, decreases the chance of interrupting cognitive developments, as well as developing comorbidities and if lowered would negatively impact college students.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Islam And The Muslim Empire - 1773 Words

Most decisions and obligations made in our lives are heavily impacted by the concepts in which we believe. The intricacies of human beliefs and religions often affect how we choose to live. They act as catalysts that predispose us to making moral or immoral decisions. Many examples that support this statement can be found in the Muslim Empire. The term Muslim translates to one who submits to Allah, the supreme god of Islam. To maintain a pure relationship with Allah as well as a spiritual balance within themselves, people of the early Muslim empires were rather hesitant in following Islamic law. The beliefs and practices of Islam strictly determined how the Muslims were to behave. Islam was the source in which the inhabitants of the early Muslim Empire referred to in making decisions pertaining to social, economic and political matters. The practices within the religion heavily influenced the nature of early Muslim citizens, dedicated members of the military, and non-Muslims. Many Is lamic beliefs determined the nature of average Muslim citizens in the early Muslim empires. The religion of Islam began with one faith-driven individual named Muhammad, who laid the foundation in which a large and expanding empire would be built on. In the beginning, Muhammad had gained only a few loyal followers, but once he had gained control of the prominent city of Mecca, thousands of converts were led to the monotheistic religion of Islam. After Muhammad’s death, his revelationsShow MoreRelatedMuslim World Cosmopolitanism1699 Words   |  7 Pagesearth, can we talk about â€Å"Muslim† world cosmopolitanism? That is just how Allah or His prophet, Muhammad (570-632), from day one, viewed Islam, whether anyone liked it or not, as the religion for entire humanity. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Creative writing A flower Essay Example For Students

Creative writing: A flower Essay A flower can be a beautiful object. Many can observe it. If a flower is cared for, provided with its needs than the flower is able to blossom and grow. If the flower is left out alone in the cold and rain it will die. A flower has feelings and emotions. It reacts to the weather and does not like the darkness. A flower needs nourishment and tender loving care. A flower must be dealt with in a tender and kind way. If not it will die. A flower must be left alone at times but must be attended to occasionally. A flower needs its light and warmth as well to be understood. If not it will die. A flower is a gentle and expressive thing. A flower when displayed properly can be the most beautiful thing in the world. It must be admired and cared for otherwise it will die. A flower will be insulted if not appreciated and cared for. A flower must not be neglected or abused. A flower can provide much happiness and joy to those who appreciate its exquisiteness and beauty. A flower needs a person just as a person needs a flower. If a flower is not cherished it will die.